At 1:13 pm today (August 5, 2015) in Antioch, Tennessee, a police SWAT team converged on a movie theater in the Nashville metropolitan area. If you’re having déjà vu moments, rest assured, you’re not alone. An uber cabbie noted, “I just couldn’t believe this was happening again,” and I’m sure none of us watching this news on TV or at the scene felt the same at hearing events taking place.
Police: Antioch theater shooting suspect dead, had hoax device
Thankfully, from the perspective of fatalities, it appears only one–the suspect, 29-year-old Vincente Montano–died at the scene at 1:54 pm, and it’s doubtful anyone else was in danger of dying. In fact, his was the only casualty, although there were three people injured and treated at the scene.
The news I read seemed to allude to his having a gun and later news updates revealed Montano had and was using a pellet gun. On the other hand, he also used pepper spray and a hatchet! This could have gone terribly wrong quicker than one could put the finger on that pepper spray to release that button. He was, after all, armed with two suspicious bags, one of which was detonated by police just for good measure and making sure the bomb wasn’t going to hurt anyone. Thankfully, whatever bombs he appeared to have were hoaxes. But that hatchet was very real.
Pluto-ruled Scorpio opens the attack chart with Saturn still in Scorpio in the first and Pluto sitting in the third house. While there are no East-West or above- and below-the-horizon hemispheric dominances, each hemisphere is evenly split from its other hemisphere. On the other hand, the 2nd and 4th quadrants shared dominance at the time of the incident. Even the heartbeat of the chart revealed a series of patterns that seemed to go on and on with little interweaving from the Moon-Mars and Saturn-Pluto mutual receptions to the Sun and Neptune in their own signs. That Moon-Mars mutual reception offers a look at Montano’s spontaneous, impulsive, emotionally explosive behaviors. I’m not just saying this from the hoax bomb, rather from the easily triggered Moon-Uranus conjunction. But note the Midheaven at the midpoint of the Sun and Mercury at the apex of the chart. It served as an effort for the attacker to shout to the world, “Look at me! I’m going to get my 15 minutes of fame however I need to!” He had the attention of the media, and he didn’t care how he did it.
I have to wonder whether there is a possibility that something was going on in his home to have caused him to have lost control over his life at this time. Whatever was going on in his home seems to have been the catalyst for his actions today. I do believe he was prepared to “go out in style,” as the saying goes. It seems like he actually just wanted someone to notice him. Obviously, no, it doesn’t matter when the situation is potentially life and death; but for him, it just seems like he needed to be heard. As I wrote my second article tonight, 2 hours after I finished writing this, I took note of the news update that said more about Montano, that he was a clinically diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic who had been committed at least four times before. It would seem then that my analysis of the 4th house fits the pattern I was seeing here. Neptune in the 4th house and Uranus ruling the IC as well as all of those pieces of the heartbeat of the chart appeared to be so disjointed, possibly indicating mental illness as the motivating factor.
I wondered as a result whether this might have been related to either of the other two movie theater attacks and decided to have a look by comparing the Aurora, Colorado massacre with the Louisiana attack followed by today’s attack.
Since the Colorado massacre came first in the chronological list of these three attacks, I decided to go in order, using the Colorado attack as the foundation of the chart for comparison with the other two charts. I find it especially interesting to note that all three of these attacks occurred within a matter of 16 days (obviously not by year, but by cycle within a month’s span). Now it might be understandable to see the close timing of the event between the Louisiana and Tennessee shootings; but if there were no correlations here, we would presumably be far less likely to see any between these two and the Colorado massacre. And yet, that doesn’t seem to have happened.
Lynda Hill‘s 360 Degrees of Wisdom: The Sabian Oracle (©Lynda Hill 2004) offers some interesting points on a few of the Sabian Symbols in the midst of the tightest correlations between these events. Take note of the 3-minute partile conjunction of Mars in today’s attack at 27 Cancer 54 to the Sun from the Colorado attack at 27 Cancer 57! CANCER 28 points to AN INDIAN GIRL INTRODUCES HER COLLEGE BOYFRIEND TO HER ASSEMBLED TRIBE – the “odd man out, rebellion for the sake of being different. Ignoring tradition.” (Thanks, Lynda, for the quotes.)
Next, take an even more wide-eyed look at today’s Neptune placement at 9 Pisces 06 Rx and its perfected conjunction to Chiron at the same degrees and minutes! Chiron today, on the other hand makes a 2-minute orb to conjunct Mars by Solstice Point (Antiscia) in the Colorado chart! AN AVIATOR IN THE CLOUDS, PISCES 10, “…flying high can lead to feelings of being cut off and separate from reality and the real world and it is only a matter of time before the ‘Aviator’ must come down out of the ‘Clouds’ as the constraints of his more earth-bound existence eventually kick in.”
While everything won’t focus on the Solstice Points in these comparisons, there will be other things to note like the exchange of Ascendants between the Colorado massacre at 7 Taurus 47 and the Tennessee attack today at 11 Scorpio 31. The attack in Tennessee today had a transiting square on its own to the current Mercury-Venus-Jupiter stellium in Leo, by forming a 30-minute partile to Jupiter, a 3-minute partile to Venus and the square to Mercury which reflects today’s Moon-Uranus midpoint opposition to the Aurora attack’s Saturn.
It seems a bit pointless for me to compare and contrast the Louisiana chart with the Tennessee one, but Louisiana’s should still produce more dynamics we might otherwise miss. I didn’t just make that Colorado Midheaven perfected conjunction to the Louisiana Ascendant. That’s how it falls! CAPRICORN 22, A GENERAL ACCEPTING DEFEAT GRACEFULLY “Commentary: ‘A General’ is seen ‘Accepting Defeat Gracefully’. He has to acknowledge a ‘Defeat’ of some kind and respond without losing face. Being a ‘General’, this person is obviously often a “winner”, respected for being in charge and in command. Now there’s the need for acknowledgment of a loss or a ‘Defeat’, or a backing down of some kind.”
The Louisiana chart also possesses a Cardinal T-square with 6th house Moon in opposition to 12th house Uranus with Uranus forming the bridge (for those who don’t accept the Moon’s presence as I do with the wider orb) to 3rd house Mars as the arm of the square while the Colorado massacre chart shows a Cardinal T-square with 6th house Mars in opposition to 12th house Uranus in square to 9th house Pluto. All three charts reveal a Venus-Jupiter conjunction although the widest conjunction is that of the Colorado massacre and the other two, of course, are too close by date to matter at this time. These three appear to be connected perhaps by motive. At the start, we have a foundation for motivation studies. We’re still not done with the Cardinal squares that began in 2009, but these are worth keeping in mind for where we go from here. Today’s attack may not be as far-fetched after all as the time for the sentencing of Aurora movie theater attacker James Holmes draws near. It seems like this might be the trigger, doesn’t it? Time will tell…
Namaste, I love you.
©2015 Michelle Young