I heard about a story this week from Los Angeles. It’s a month old already, but that’s okay in this case. It didn’t make national headlines: No one took target practice with a gun or tried to terrorize anyone with knives or candies made into sheathed injurious weapons on boys and girls, at least not enough to hit the front page somewhere. You already know about those that did. And even if you live in California, you may not have heard about this–unless you happen to belong to the KISS (Keep It Simply Serious) Astrology group on Facebook. Just my kind of story that relates to daily life and truly caring politicians helping people who probably aren’t even voters yet…
Hey, wait a minute. Isn’t that an oxymoron? Politicians who are helping non-voters…hmmm…
The idea brought to mind a well-known question I used in my last newsletter (October 29): “Am I my brother’s keeper?” It points to a number of issues I’ve been writing about for the last several weeks. We’ve traveled the journey of beginning to peel Life’s onion, and we’re almost assuredly not done with that. The aspects are still coming into play where they will be for a while. But this story brings us full circle to the combination of responsibility and spirituality in the most unlikely place perhaps: Politics.
And yet, isn’t that what we all hope for in our politicians, that they would show themselves as genuinely human and as humane as the rest of us?
City Council Declares Local Emergency On Homelessness In LA
At the outset, of course, one may question whether Los Angeles politicians are simply trying to make points with their constituents, or if they’re starting to get “it”–that elusive quality that somehow makes what we hope most of us are, compassionate, and separates the baby-kissing politician from the average Joe.
This is actually a feel-good story in the midst of the Peeling of Life’s Onion. Another oxymoron perhaps? Well, in this case, probably not. It seems the president of the Los Angeles City Council, Herb Wesson, and the members of the Homelessness and Poverty Committee got the City Council to approve spending US$100 million on addressing the needs of the homeless, including housing and shelter programs!
“Craving protection from the elements is a basic human instinct. As a moral society, we have an obligation to provide shelter for the shelter-less. Today, we step away from the insanity of doing the same thing and hoping for different results, and instead chart our way to ending homelessness in Los Angeles,” said Wesson to CBS local television.
With a staggering figure of close to 45000 homeless in Los Angeles county, for me, this perspective is more than a little significant: That’s nearly the size of the total population of my city here on the East coast of the United States!
The chart impressed me with a Pluto-ruled Scorpio rising, Eastern 4th quadrant dominance; yet it remains clearly balanced above- and below-the horizon. The City Council had no doubt about what they wanted and planned to do, although some of their thinking apparently will remain behind the scenes since we don’t always need to know all of the pieces in a plan to do right by a group of people when the effort is so obviously there.
Pluto stands “for the good of all,” and that theme seems to be obvious in its 3rd house conjunction to the Moon, the means of making a powerful statement that well could start a trend in the United States. At least we can hope so. Mars, by this time, was nearing the end of Leo and already looking toward the positive service it could do in the community through Virgo. I think of Virgo and immediately get a feel of the Hindi word “seva” which is focused on service to or within the community. Mars in Virgo provides the opportunity to bring such hopes to life, to renew the will to participate in healthy ways in society.
On a side note, I think of Pluto’s transiting opposition to the nation’s Sun: While the nation is challenged, as it often is in any year by domestic and international issues, the opposition doesn’t have to be a negative transit at all. In fact, this can offer the government the opportunity to do what’s right. Now understand, I’m tossing this idea out simply as a side note because this isn’t an article about the nation, just about one city in one state. But certainly the rest of the world often gets its ideas either by what is seen as aggression or by intrusion into situations where the United States hasn’t been asked to interfere.
Coming closer to where this innovative action is taking place–Los Angeles–I decided to look at the city and state charts as well.
I’m not going to analyze California’s chart thoroughly, just enough to point out a few factors since the entire state isn’t the real issue yet. It would seem, however, that we’ll see a likelihood of the state getting involved in some positive efforts. Take note of Saturn’s conjunction to the Ascendant for the state. Now, in all fairness, I have to tell you both the state and city charts are not the precise degrees and minutes (but close) as the data offered by Carolyn Dodson in her Horoscopes of US States and Cities. A slight variation in the coordinates she used is only part of the explanation, and I really can’t figure out why other than the anomalies of whatever software she might have been using in comparison to what I’m using. Nevertheless, the state and city charts in her book are–at least most of the time–set for noon, and that’s the way I had cast these charts. I did not, however, place the charts outside of the event since the Los Angeles City Council actually was the catalyst for this act of compassion.
The 25-minute partile conjunction of the declaration’s Sun to the State of California’s 10th house Jupiter while forming a pair of partile trines to the 5th house Uranus-Pluto conjunction (the declaration Sun to Uranus by 29 minutes and to Pluto by 14 minutes), the 12th house conjunction of Saturn to the Ascendant (ASC)–which would be the case regardless of whether or not the Dodson chart ASC is used– the State’s Sun conjunct the Midheaven (MC), again whether or not we use the Dodson chart MC; and transiting Uranus 31-minute conjunction to the state’s natal Saturn. Fourth house transiting Chiron opposes the state’s Sun, offering an opportunity to perform. I’m emphasizing performance here since the state’s chart obviously has Chiron rising in the 1st house, and this state is usually the first one coming to mind when we think of the movie industry. Not that there aren’t others; but right now California is in the limelight, and perhaps its audience is waiting to see whether the trend to address the needs of the homeless will indeed expand next to the entire state. I’d certainly like to think so.