This computer-simulated image shows a supermassive black hole at the core of a galaxy. The black region in the center represents the black hole’s event horizon, where no light can escape the massive object’s gravitational grip. The black hole’s powerful gravity distorts space around it like a funhouse mirror. Light from background stars is stretched and smeared as the stars skim by the black hole.
Credits: NASA, ESA, and D. Coe, J. Anderson, and R. van der Marel (STScI)
I learned yesterday that the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory & Science Education Center (LIGO)–apparently a collaborative effort between Caltech and MIT–has confirmed the observation of “the second robust binary black hole coalescence.” The project based in Livingston, Louisiana, sounded fascinating although I admit I was as much in outer space (the dark for me!) with my understanding as that black hole itself was!
For the second time ever, scientists detected gravitational waves from colliding black holes
Curious to see how the journey of discovery, the approach, and the awe might have actually taken place in such an event, I decided to create the chart to see what else I could learn. Please understand though, I’m interested and am even intrigued to see what I can learn from this approach. Not having studied physics, however, I’m at a disadvantage which only serves to make me more curious.
A crucial second note heard in soundtrack of chaotic cosmos
Some years ago, someone guided me to understand that a technique I’d developed in my astrological work was mathematically sound. That moment served as a light bulb moment in my realizing that the ±15 years of work I’d devoted to that technique by then wasn’t in vain after all, despite that others kept insisting I was wrong, that I was breaking the rules of mathematics. That moment also held me in awe about this field called physics in which I’d previously had no interest.
Now for those of you who are like me, clueless about these kinds of discoveries, the following SoundCloud recording offers a physicist’s explanation of what a gravitational wave is at 10:56 in and a physicist explains what a gravitational wave is. As it happens, the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain will be using music to travel back through the last century of space discovery. It’s an interesting recording but an ad in hopes of attracting those who are in the UK at that time and might like to attend these concerts. From what I’ve heard in the recording, teens playing the classics at amazing levels is clearly a worthwhile focus! You can hear them in the first video I’ve offered above.
National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain on Soundcloud
I’ll admit at this stage of the game someone would basically have to reinvent the wheel in my learning processes to get me to the point where I would understand all this subject entails. I loved algebra…and then there was the rest. So I’m grateful to this person for having turned on that light despite my frustration. I’ll be lucky to understand much beyond that moment which may force me to remain instead in complete and utter awe of the knowledge and the discoveries such studies offer us in humanity’s tomorrows. As corny as that sounds, this is what brings me to the chart!
At first I was somewhat baffled to see the Western dominance. I hadn’t considered the context however. Context is so important! Of course it would be Western!! The cosmos was being observed! The cosmos itself was the one “acting,” creating the energy, so of course the LIGO observatory had the cosmic gift of receiving the experience through sound!
Can anyone deny the kind of deeply intense feeling that must have taken place as this event was happening? Look at that Moon in its own sign in opposition to Pluto and the Vertex. Of course it was a “fated,” destined moment! After all, how often does one, much less a group!, get an opportunity to receive a cosmic gift especially wrapped in a precious confirming sound?
The 2nd quadrant below-the-horizon emphasis was also apparent: confirmation had to come from those witnessing the event and then–until this moment–they had to maintain their silence so the surprise could be revealed to the world all at once. What a spectacular, dynamic moment!
I frequently speak about Chiron now in the context of a chart, far more than a “wounded healer” state of being as so many see this body, even as I used to do as well. But Chiron in this chart reveals itself as a truly charismatic body, capable of truly sizzling performance! Its 7th house position forms a semisextile to another body, Ceres, what I’ve been taught is the nurturing mother, quite relevant really, when you consider that we call this planet in affectionate terms, “Mother Earth.” And the pair comes together to create an incredibly nearly perfected partile Blooming Undecaquartisextile to the Ascendant! Chiron’s orb was a mere 8 minutes while Ceres’ orb was even tighter at 5.
While now separating, Mercury still held a 22-minute partile trine to Jupiter, reminding us of the opportunity for more knowledge, for more understandings. The Resonant Blooming Undecaquartisextile between the Uranus/Chiron semisextile and the 2nd house resonant point at 1 Libra 56, but there are several of these UQSXT formations, many of which are resonant.
Venus and Mars in a 19-minute partile semisextile points to another one with the third point in the ninth house, also resonant at 10 Taurus 08. Jupiter in its conjunction to the North Node has another especially curious undecaquartisextile, but this one is really a single UQSXT (165°). And in all fairness to you, dear reader, I will add here that I may not be done! I’ve tried to capture the most pointed ones with the greatest energy because these offer the marvelously dynamic exchange of sound in this “second robust binary black hole coalescence.”
In the course of examining this event that to me is nothing short of profound, I realized the heartbeat of the chart pointed to the Moon and Neptune in their own signs of rulership–reminding us that even discoveries like these can begin with a simple spark, an emotion laced with imagination brought to fruition through the complex part of the heartbeat. In this case, Mercury took hold, tested with a cold eye that’s often considered much like Saturn and then studied closely through the new opportunity to learn with Jupiter. What exciting times we have before us!
Now just imagine how Albert Einstein might have felt with such a discovery!