“Live long and prosper!”

Star Trek‘s beloved Spock, Leonard Nimoy, has moved on to his place in history today.


While Astrodatabank gives the chart a DD rating, between its description of his life and the kinds of work he devoted himself to during his lifetime–from Star Trek to his explorations of the paranormal, I look at that Mercury-Uranus conjunction which makes complete sense to me in the 8:30 pm chart, which Marion March indicated as the right one. (There had been a conflict in times, with Mary MacKenzie quoting a letter from his mother in the AM hour while March quoted him on a TV show, saying he was an Aries with Scorpio rising, equating to the PM hour. I have to go with March’s indication as well.

Leonard Nimoy - natal chartBut he was so much more than our beloved Spock. He was an avid photographer, the author of three books and two autobiographies. Interestingly, William Shatner–born four days before Nimoy–and Nimoy both suffer(ed) from a ringing in the right ear, a condition Shatner believes was caused by an on-set explosion.

Nimoy’s wife indicated his death as “end-stage” COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Although he quit smoking several decades ago, this was the cause of his hospitalization earlier this week.

If we go with the idea that he had a Scorpio rising, as I believe, his Western dominance with an even balance between the above- and below-the-horizon hemispheres with the 2nd and 3rd quadrants evenly divided as well, it would explain his caring about the opinions of those closest to him, while remaining quite dedicated to his career. Take note of the Mercury-Uranus 6th house conjunction in Mars-ruled Aries in trine to that lovely Leo Midheaven (MC), the sign we often associate with the theater and entertainment industries. His 5th house Sun was also in trine to the MC while Mars, at the apex of the chart (in an anaretic degree of Moon-ruled Cancer, I might add) could have made him as AstroDataBank noted controversial or contentious at times.

If he was indeed born in the evening, his Moon would have been in a stellium to a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. And just as I was about to say Mars wouldn’t have been a part of the stellium, I have to change my mind and say yes, absolutely, it was. That stellium is a T-square, so let’s start at how I’m seeing this so we’re on the same page:

9th house Moon (Moon is sitting within 5° of orb to the 9th house and is therefore considered in the 9th) conjunct Jupiter conjunct Pluto conjunct Mars, with Mars included because of the bridging opposition from 3rd house Saturn in square to 5th house Sun as part of the additional stellium with its conjunction to 6th house Mercury-Uranus, all in Aries! And as if that’s not enough, with the Scorpio rising, the dual heartbeat of the Moon and Saturn in his chart also makes complete sense to me.

Everything he did, everything he was–even in the midst of being “controversial or contentious at times”–was filtered through his emotions and his serious bent for achievement through various mediums of communication. He was dedicated. The Sun also made a nice trine to his Part of Fortune in this chart. Since we don’t know that the angles or the Moon are absolutely accurate in their placements for the time of birth because the times quoted were between 8 and 9 am or pm, we can’t include some of the quindeciles that show in the chart as you see it here. However, Jupiter is in clear quindecile to Saturn within the orb of what some suggest at 5°.

We can see the 9th house as the place we look for foreign affairs, theological and philosophical subjects and higher education; but the 9th also is where we look for the house of publishing, specifically in relation to books. I’d say he had a deliciously quick mind and a marvelous sense of humor (Mercury-Uranus conjunction), and he put it to good use with the T-square in these three houses–the 3rd, the 6th and the 9th. Certainly Spock was beautifully brought to life in his capable “hands” (okay, so it was his mind). There will only be one Spock, and wherever he’s gone now–perhaps back to Vulcan–we’re clearly going to miss him.

Moments from Season 1

While he entitled his first autobiography, I Am Not Spock, Spock certainly has a mystery about him, and he really wasn’t far from what I’m seeing in this chart.

Quoting from the New York Times obituary, “‘To this day, I sense Vulcan speech patterns, Vulcan social attitudes and even Vulcan patterns of logic and emotional suppression in my behavior,’ Mr. Nimoy wrote years after the original series ended.

“But that wasn’t such a bad thing, he discovered. ‘Given the choice,’ he wrote, ‘if I had to be someone else, I would be Spock.’”

Highly Illogical

RIP Leonard Nimoy–and Mr. Spock.
©2015 Michelle Young