Shocking news from Minneapolis today, Prince is dead. He was found early this morning at his Paisley Park home, no cause of death yet but Jason Kamerud, chief sheriff’s deputy for Carver County indicated, “We’re currently conducting a death investigation and there isn’t much I can say.”
Music legend Prince dead at 57 at Paisley Park
I created something last night that seems to fit the image of who Prince was. So while it seems a bit off-the-wall to quote Carl Sagan in this particular image, the message Sagan said seems to fit the death of one who left us far too early in his life.

On to his chart now for a quick look:
Prince’s Scorpio rising opened his natal chart with a Western dominated 3rd quadrant above-the-horizon emphasis. One can’t help but notice the 15-minute partile Pluto conjunction to the Midheaven, both of which are anaretic and the undecaquartisextile between natal 9th house Uranus and his 3rd house Chiron in Aquarius. In addition, 6th house Venus formed a fixed T-square with its opposition to 12th house Neptune in square to the arm at both Uranus and the Part of Fortune.
Although he was considered a musical genius, his health may have played havoc with his career and quite possibly his fortunes. No matter how wealthy he was, it would seem to imply he could have made so much more if his health had been better. This combination of aspects also points to the inveterate romantic, a soul who may have been permanently in love with love. Mercury forms a Blooming UQSXT to Saturn and the Ascendant with the midpoint of the Saturn-Ascendant semisextile falling at 4 Sagittarius 47 in a 41-minute partile opposition to Mercury. Venus and Jupiter also form a 53-minute partile UQSXT. Career and his role as a participant in his relationships of whatever duration were the main focus of who he was, and he was generous with all he knew–and even those he didn’t know.
I’m especially struck by his 16 Gemini 41 Sun in the 8th house, which was recently receiving the energies from the March 8/9, 2016 Solar Eclipse at 18 Pisces 56. Out of curiosity, I checked to see where the Moon was as I’ve been writing this. I shouldn’t be surprised to see 26 Libra, the degree on his natal 12th house cusp. Natally, his Moon formed an out-of-sign opposition to Pluto while Mars formed a 32-minute partile quincunx to Pluto, giving me the impression that he was always torn between his public role and his emotional needs and desires.
Of course a time of death hasn’t been announced yet since this news has taken many by surprise, and the investigation isn’t over yet. In the meantime, wherever he goes, you know he’ll be leaving some purple rain in his path.
RIP Prince. You were among the innovative performers who held your fans in your hands.