BB King, the King of the Blues, is gone…

One couldn’t listen to B B King’s style without just wanting to go more deeply into every note he offered to your hungry ears. That man could make velvet out of notes being played on a broken guitar… He oozed with Lucille and the blues. And at 89, he’s moved on to the next plane.

B B King - natal, untimedI’m offering the quick look at his natal, but it’s untimed, and I’ve woven it in with a brief analysis of his birth chart combined with the death chart. But for those who want to have a general idea of this great musician’s aspects, this will at least give you a little idea.  Astrodatabank offered a biography of his life that makes the rest of our lives perhaps pale by comparison. For starters, he fathered 15 children!

The Chicago Tribune offered one of the stories of his passing, Blues Legend B.B. King Dead at 89.

And then there was his music, and boy could that man play!


His birth chart was untimed, but they caught the time for his journey onward. 9:40 PM PDT.

B B King - death, timed

Anyway, the time he left shows with Sagittarius on the Ascendant, and I suppose I’m waxing philosophical about it this morning but I should be sleeping. That’s turning into my own theme song.

As I listen to his style on Lucille–his guitar–just like honey, so sweet, I’m sitting here trying to concentrate on his chart as well as on the time he left. When he left is probably easier to read since it’s actually timed. He was ready. Take note of Jupiter intercepted in the 8th. It’ll be a nice journey for him, as transitions go. Jupiter is beautifully set in a 27-minute partile trine to the Moon in Aries in the 4th with Mercury in sextile to both in the 6th. Saturn is making a 2-minute partile opposition to Mars. Jupiter, in quincunx to Pluto, couldn’t save him this time. Pluto was rising, and it was his time to go.

The Thrill is Gone

B B King - death inside, untimed natal outsideIronically, Pluto had just finished its conjunction to natal Jupiter, and he had managed to live through three Saturn Returns. He had a Sun-Mars conjunction in Virgo and a possible Moon-Mercury conjunction. But where they fell in the natal chart is anyone’s guess. He even got to pass the opposition to Pluto in his chart, so it would seem this was another Life Cycles Crisis transit but one most of us never get to see. The transiting Moon at the time of his death had just finished squaring natal Jupiter in its opposition to natal Pluto!

Pretty incredible charts as charts go for someone that age. It offers an opportunity for us to take note of aspects evolving from a long life and to consider how those aspects might have played out in his final days. According to the news, he was in and out of the hospital twice during his last month of life. That’s pretty understandable, given his age. Nevertheless, he lived life well, long, and memorably–but he was even more of an incredible performer, and that certainly is shown by the legend that created the man.

RIP B B King!

©2015 Michelle Young