Every day, somewhere in the world, we see accidents, murders, arguments, skirmishes or outright war between people and their nations. That much doesn’t usually surprise any of us, I’m sure. But when an attack in New York City that has come from a green-card carrying foreign national who has been in the United States for around seven years, most in the United States stop to hear or read what’s going on. So did I.
Like nearly everyone who is alive and was alive on September 11, 2001, I too remember the nightmare that began at the World Trade Center before it spread to the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania followed soon after. On the heels of the end of the last flight in Shanksville, the North Tower at the World Trade Center collapsed, leaving thousands dead, and millions around the world in mourning.
In the years that followed, detectives from the New York City Police Department took notes and closely studied the handling of the attack on Mumbai in November 2008 (odd how that went full circle since my completing the article on Mumbai and Las Vegas just last night!), and they utilized what they learned in beefing up their measures for protection of the five boroughs after Mumbai. As I recall, they also had studied tactics used by Israeli police, but I don’t remember which city or cities were involved.
I was at home
Usually I don’t watch the news
Cause again I’m not strong
Oh I wish that they told the truth
So that we could go on
They call it news
But it’s so old
Nothing good ever comes
And they take us for a fool
Is it me?
Or is always the same again?
Or does it mean
That we are the one to blame?
‘Cause we see and we feel their pain in vain
Maybe we are the one insane…
They were so small
Four of them
They were playing ball but it was a war zone
They heard a sound or maybe a blast in a flash
They are gone
Nothing but blood and broken bones
Through the warmth of our homes
I felt their quivers and the moans
Is it me?
Or is always the same again?
Or does it mean
That we are the one to blame?
‘Cause we see and we feel their pain in vain
Maybe we are the one insane…
Who’s to come to save our souls?
Who’s to come to save our souls?
Who will reach inside the hole?
And then it goes on
The dancing deads on the crying songs from the mothers so strong
Wailing their names
Holding the graves
‘Cause they’re forever gone
It’s somewhere else
So we feel safe
From the warmth of our home
I felt their quivers and the moans
Is it me?
Or is always the same again?
Or does it mean
That we are the one to blame?
‘Cause we see and we feel their pain in vain
Maybe we are the one insane…
Who’s to come to save our souls?
Who’s to come to save our souls?
Who will reach inside the hole?
Save our souls
Save our souls
Won’t you save our soul?
Won’t you save our soul?
Won’t you save our soul?
So now, on a sunny Halloween afternoon some 16 years, one month and roughly three weeks after that tragic day on September 11, 2001, what appeared to be an ordinary day with school about to let out and kids on every school bus or street throughout the City of New York suddenly turned Halloween macabre as the driver of the Home Depot pickup truck hopped the curb and moseyed down the bike path to mow down bikers–or outright shoot them. According to The New York Times, “Five of the people killed were Argentine tourists who traveled to New York for a 30-year high school reunion celebration, said a senior official in Santa Fe Province, where they were from. The Argentine authorities said they were Hernán Mendoza, Diego Angelini, Alejandro Pagnucco, Ariel Erlij and Hernán Ferruchi. Martín Ludovico Marro, a sixth member of the group, was wounded. Belgian officials said one of those killed and three of the injured were from Belgium.” Thankfully none of the injuries are life-threatening, but they are serious.
I don’t have time to do another lengthy analysis like I did over the last month, but I wanted to cover this. Thanks to my having the Powell chart, the New York City charts for Manhattan Island (bought for 24 wampum), the more official version we know as New York City on the first day of January 1898, the chart for the attack–and the untimed birth of Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov on February 8, 1988 and an unknown city, for speculation sake, tentatively born in Uzbekistan’s largest city, Tashkent –I have enough to give us some idea of what was going on although I won’t be using the 1898 or 1653 charts since I have enough with what follows. By working with the attacker’s untimed chart purely for a hint of an idea of what he’s like on the outside of the attack and other charts, we can still begin to gain a general idea of what he might have been seeking in this Saturn Return year for him.
For me, the most important chart would be the tri-wheel of the Powell chart on the inside, the attack chart in the middle wheel, and the untimed chart for Sayfullo Saipov on the outside. Since we don’t know his time of birth, his must be kept outside of any others we’d like to see associated with his. But before I offer that one, let’s look at the attack chart and do a quick run with it.
While the Eastern and Western hemispheres are evenly divided between the two of them, the third quadrant is the focus of the above-the-horizon emphasis. Saipov was looking to establish his relationship with ISIS, as he mentioned in his note, and he wanted to make a very public statement about it. I’m not so sure he was expecting to survive the attack however. This attack was a statement that spoke of his wanting to do something, to make an impact but not as a leader as much as it was as a follower.
Pisces on the Ascendant hadn’t been there that long before the attack took place, and Neptune was rising. The confusion and chaos that followed would have been evident but perhaps not as much as it would have been if Neptune had already made its station to direct, as it will in three weeks.
Four Resonant Blooming Undecaquartisextiles “grace” this chart but only one seems to have the most immediate relevance to events that took place on the 31st of October. How these undecaquartisextile (UQSXT) patterns formed from these 165° aspects played a role in the attack may still have to be seen as we examine Saipov’s chart and that of the Powell chart. This kind of examination can point to things we might not otherwise consider. I’d be inclined to say the least significant of the patterns might be Juno’s placement at 13 Capricorn 49 forming a semisextile to the MC at 13 Sagittarius 53 and resolving at 28 Gemini 51. Next, I’d say the Mars placement at 5 Libra 42 semisextile to Jupiter at 4 Scorpio 37 and resolving at 20 Aries 09 might be less important except that it then opposes Venus at 21 Libra 38 in its semisextile to Mercury at 22 Scorpio 36 and resolving at 7 Taurus 07. Here again we have another possibility of a potential for trouble since Mercury squares the Nodes by 1°35′. Enough? We’ll see. But the one that sticks out the most to me is Chiron at 24 Pisces 51 Rx and Uranus at 26 Aries 02 Rx resolving from that semisextile to the fourth Resonant Blooming Undecaquartisextile at 10 Libra 26. It doesn’t, however, stop there since Saturn in the 10th house then forms a 16-minute partile square to Chiron in the 1st house. Was he perhaps trying to get noticed as we’ve seen others doing in fairly recent history? It’s possible. Let’s see.
Let’s plunge in with these UQSXT patterns now and see how the triggers begin to form. Starting with the Resonant Blooming Undecaquartisextile formed by the Juno-MC semisextile with the resolution at 28 Gemini 51, take note of the 41-minute partile conjunction to the Powell chart’s placement of Venus at 29 Gemini 32. But don’t stop there! Venus opposes Saipov’s Saturn-Uranus 13-minute partile conjunction by a partile 11 minutes to Uranus and a two-minute partile opposition to Saturn! And it doesn’t stop there! The Powell chart’s Mars-Venus midpoint sits at 24 Gemini 28, in a 7-minute partile opposition to the attack chart’s Saturn at 24 Sagittarius 35 while Saipov’s midpoint of the Saturn-Uranus conjunction and Mars–falls at 25 Sagittarius 02, forming a 27-minute partile conjunction to the attack chart’s Saturn.
As if that’s not enough, take note again that Saipov’s North Node forms a conjunction to the attack chart’s Chiron, which is already receiving the transiting square from Saturn. We haven’t yet addressed that Saipov’s placement of Jupiter in a 1°31′ conjunction to the Uranus transit–and its 5-minute partile trine to Saturn. These things don’t change, regardless of the time he was born, and that makes Saipov’s own placement of Chiron so close to the Powell chart’s Mars-Venus midpoint and the opposition to Saturn! For that matter, we can’t fail to mention the Powell chart’s placement of Neptune in its square to transiting Saturn–that Peeling of Life’s Onion shows itself again in this tri-wheel, and of course the attack would take place. All of that just from what appears to be the weakest of the four undecaquartisextile patterns!
Moving on, I said the attack chart’s Mars semisextile to Jupiter as it resolved in the Resonant Blooming Undecaquartisextile to 20 Aries 09 was less significant, and yet we see now that the resolution point forms a 4-minute partile conjunction to the Powell chart’s Chiron, clearly making this a far more significant pattern than we might have otherwise thought from just the opposition to the attack chart’s Venus. Not that that isn’t significant. Of course it is, especially with Venus then spinning into its own UQSXT pattern. But this input from the Powell chart’s Chiron gives it the wow factor and drives home the point of these placements and their impact on these charts.
I don’t suppose we can even say the transiting Venus-Mercury semisextile that resolves at 7 Taurus 07 isn’t that much since Mercury in its square to the transiting Nodes certainly can be the simple point of Saipov’s having wanted to make a statement, and he did that by his having claimed this was for ISIS. The resolution point fomed a 1°26′ opposition to the placement of the Sun at the time of the attack and a 31-minute partile square to the Powell chart’s Nodes! Were all of these connections merely coincidence, the same kinds of energies wouldn’t keep showing as significantly as they are in these charts, and we still have what I called the most significant of the four undecaquartisextile patterns.
That transiting semisextile between Chiron and Uranus resolves, as I mentioned early on at 10 Libra 26. While I have already pointed out the enormous significance of transiting Saturn in square to Chiron, now we see what appears to be that wow factor I suspected might be here: 10 Libra 26 forms a 7-minute partile square to the Powell chart’s Sun and squaring even Saipov’s Neptune by 1°18′. If we ever had doubts that this wasn’t just a statement directed to ISIS or to the citizens of New York City, it wasn’t: This was a clear and abiding attack against what we can call the heart of the nation, close to where George Washington had been inaugurated on April 30, 1789!
We can, of course, be grateful that Saipov was unlikely to have understood the dynamics of a tri-wheel even if he had even an inkling about astrology. Still, it’s clear that he made his mark in a way that surprised many. Hopefully it will be many more years before such things take place on the lower 48–if ever–again!
Until next time…
I know it’s been a while since I have talked to you
But maybe you’re the one who makes the winds blow
We’re looking at the stars without explanation
We contemplate as kings and simple men on trial
Our little world’s fragile
Oh God can you tell us when it’s going to stop
Maybe it’s not just down to you
Oh God can we win back what we have lost
So who’s the last resort, oh God
Tumbling towards unclear destinations
Do they wash away the pain,
The wind and the searing rains
As our powers interchange
Oh God can you tell us when it’s going to stop
Maybe it’s not just down to you
Oh God can we win back what we have lost
So who’s the last resort, oh God
Oh God can you tell us when it’s going to stop
Maybe it’s not just down to you
Oh God can we win back what we have lost
So who’s the last resort