This isn’t a particularly long bit of news but certainly one I can’t resist sharing. I really wasn’t surprised to see the headline rolling across my screen tonight in fact. Transiting Pluto’s journey through Capricorn continues to demand the accountability of top government and corporate officials for wrongdoings. I wrote about Pluto’s ingress from Sagittarius to Capricorn (November 28, 2008) in the Scorpio and Astrology communities on Orkut way back on April 23, 2006. (The archives from the two communities will be uploaded here during the Phase II part of our launch so discussions can be reread, reconsidered and even revived if need be. New discussions can also take place in our communities here.) Anyway, about that news tonight…
The Deputy Chief of Police in Fresno, California has been arrested by Federal authorities on drug charges. It’s another example of many where government officials have been arrested on various corruption charges since Pluto entered Capricorn. This one’s a doozy! Those drug charges include intent to distribute and sell! Mind you, Pluto isn’t letting corporations off the hook. Right now, however, a host of corrupt government officials around the world are coming to light. This particular case is just too good to resist.
The Deputy Chief of Police, at age 51, is still in the range of his Chiron return, while the 48-year-old who was arrested on the same charge is just moving into his. (I’m taking a leap of faith that all four arrested are male, but who knows? It could be a female too, couldn’t it?) And then you have the 35-year-old and the 41-year-old, both of whom were in various phases of their Life Cycles Crisis transits. Apparently all four were arrested near a high school in Fresno in a 20-minute span of time. The high school at that time, btw, was on lockdown for those minutes.
These kinds of incidents with Pluto leading the energy remind us beautifully that shortcuts have the endings the native will never want. But some officials never learn even though the warning signs are there. Pluto’s 13-minute partile quindecile to the Moon in the first degree of Cancer reminds us of personal responsibilities. Pluto’s 1°57′ orb in its quindecile to that Leo Ascendant stresses the need for shared responsibility. The chart shows a Western 3rd quadrant above-the-horizon dominance, pointing to the likelihood that Federal officials were working to ensure the safety of all as the bust took place. But it simultaneously ensured that all four arrested would get their day in court.
Fresno Deputy Police Chief Arrested
©2015 Michelle Young