RIP Leslie Gore – 1946-2015

Many of you will remember Leslie Gore who made her transition today, with a dubious thanks to lung cancer. The former singing star will be remembered for several hits from the 60a, including “You Don’t Own Me,” “It’s My Party” and “It’s Judy’s Turn to Cry.”

Leslie Gore - UNTIMED chartEven with her untimed chart, Leslie Gore was committed to making sure her life was her own in the sense of controlling what she would do, how and when she would do it. Her music possessed the kind of energy shown by her Taurus Sun square to a Mars-Pluto conjunction in Leo, while her likely conjunction of a Taurus Moon and Venus in Gemini would certainly have bestowed her a love of music, writing lyrics and possibly even music composition as well.
I’m especially intrigued with her T-square of Mercury in Aries in a 2-minute partile opposition to Chiron in Libra (not all, mind you: Chiron is also conjunct Jupiter in Libra) in square to Saturn in Cancer. Mercury in opposition to Jupiter would have given her that love of learning, and certainly the Mercury-Saturn square would have made her serious about such efforts.

Then again, many will point to Pallas Athene in Capricorn as the arm of a precise partile T-square to the Mercury-Chiron opposition. Yet even that may not tell the whole tale since there are some who will then take note of the T-square from Saturn to the Mercury-Jupiter opposition. For those who work with Pallas Athene, therefore, this series of celestial bodies creates a Cardinal Grand Cross that may well fit this superstar’s chart. Certainly it does for those who work with Pallas Athene–and it additionally can fascinate anyone including myself as I again consider David Cochrane’s words about Chiron in the charts of successful performers whose Chiron points to “charisma and sizzle in performance.” Leslie Gore would have clearly fit the bill.
Grand Crosses can create a massive amount of focused energy, but it can present problems without an outlet as offered by the Sun’s sextile to Saturn, and her likely quick wit and good sense of humor offered from Uranus in sextile to Mercury. Yet she tended as well to be conservative, thanks to Saturn’s square to Jupiter, and it’s Jupiter’s placement that would solidly confirm a Cardinal T-square for those who don’t work with Pallas Athene.
Sadly, I can’t offer the chart, hemisphere and quadrant balances without the exact time of birth; but I’m inclined to wonder whether she might have had an Aquarius rising or at least Uranus rising. I don’t usually speculate on such things because that’s all it is. However, her musical creations–“You Don’t Own Me” and “It’s My Party,” even “Out Here On My Own”–seem to imply her ability to have marched to her own beat with ease. When she came out on PBS TV, hosting several episodes of a series on gay and lesbian issues, it would seem the time had come for her to do so. Her chart shows drive to maintain control of her life, and she did so with class, caring, and great timing. Her partner of 33 years, jewelry designer Lois Sasson described her to Associated Press as “a wonderful human being — caring, giving, a great feminist, great woman, great human being, great humanitarian.” Again, such description seems to imply a strong Aquarius–or Uranus–emphasis in her chart.
Another voice of the Sixties has moved on. RIP Leslie Gore.
From YouTube, of course: