Testimonials do not have a title but I am tempted to give one here:
Michelle and her planets!
All of life’s problem can be solved by listening to Pink Floyd songs.” I and at least one of my friends thought so while in college. Of course, till the world outside the comfort zone of college brought about some real life problems. True, some of the life’s best lessons are learnt outside the classroom but I never thought that I would be learning some of the most profound lessons over a social networking site through her communities. The discussions in the communities “Astrology” and “Scorpio” on Orkut were the starting points for me to study “Michelle and her flavor of Astrology” and even when I silently disagreed with her on certain points, I never had the arguments to counter hers. The premises were right there in place, the arguments neat and her “forecasts” accurate. Even when the planetary talks did not make much sense in the early days, the little things that did, did so in a profound way. And even when I was skeptic of what Astrology could and could not do earlier, her life story and philosophy were immediately soul affirming and inspiring.
She would occasionally say some things in her communities and I would think,”Like she knows!”….(yes Michelle, I am sorry…but I did say to myself on more than a few occasions…wondering if Astrology could give those insights!) But in most of the cases as I have come to think over some of the things she said, I have had to eat my silent “Like she knows” with “ She does!”. She is magik…yes that “k” instead of “c” is intentional. When I had a reading with her earlier this year, she was “dead right” on what she said. I was hoping her to be wrong on a few things she said, but the “energies” are playing out in the way she surmised. You really don’t expect me to reveal the details and what the reading meant to me, do you? ….you see I have my natal Sun in the twelfth house! Wink! But since I am writing this testimonial, you do count on me to share with you some of the lessons learnt while spying on her, don’t you? Here they are:
There are no cookbook answers.
You learn more from people and different cultures than you could by some books or your favorite author.
An astrologer is better at philosophy than a philosopher who does not study astrology!
And the most profound one: All of life’s problems can be solved by Astrology that recognizes Free Will….while still listening to Pink Floyd! 🙂