BBC: A Royal Princess has been born!
The BBC has announced the birth with news from Kensington Palace: a baby girl has been born to Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge. The baby, born at 8:34 am BST in Paddington, London, weighs 8 pounds 3 ounces.
With a Cancer rising, Eastern, 4th quadrant above-the-horizon dominance, the royal princess is sure to make her mark on the world even in her presence as #4 in line to the throne. Three planets–Mars, Mercury and Venus sit in the spiritual 12th house, the home of Neptune-ruled Pisces in the natural chart. Mercury and Neptune are the heartbeat of her chart, with this duo being in square to each other. Neptune, however, serves as the arm of the T-square from the 6th house Saturn opposition to Mercury in the 12th in square to Neptune at the apex of the chart. She’s bound to have an air of mystery about her, but she will be as independent a princess as she can be.
After mentioning the mutable T-square, I neglected to notice there’s a second T-square that is bound to make her delightfully feisty with friends who are probably unique in some ways. She’ll be most likely to have spontaneous emotions while still being quite emotionally intense and free in expressing that intensity. And with the Moon in quincunx to natal Chiron, she will adjust to where she is in the world while still managing to make her mark in some distinct way. I can’t help but remember her grandmother, as we all do, the lovely Diana, Princess of Wales whose Mercury falls conjunct the baby’s Ascendant from inside the 12th and her Moon conjunct the baby’s Ascendant from inside the 1st. Princess Diana will make her mark on this child’s life even from beyond.
That doesn’t mean she won’t work happily with tradition. She’s most likely to. After all, she will be her father’s daughter. But she will have a clear edge on her independence and will be likely as well to confuse the press on her private life. She’ll be a serious thinker, and I suspect we may see some literary arts coming from her. Perhaps poetry.
This is one special little girl.
Congratulations to the royal family, and welcome to the world, Little One!
Update: By now, I’m sure you’ve heard: The baby has been named HRH Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.